[31] Bellowing Echoes: Exploring Collective Noun Examples

Bellowing provokes a powerful image of sound and vigor reverberating through the air. While typically associated with the deep and resonant roaring of large animals, bellowing can also define the collective behavior of certain groups. similar to the effects that individual bellows produce, the concept of a collective noun amplifies the impact. Here lie some striking examples:

1. A Herd of Bison Bellowing: The expansive plains are set alive as a herd of bison gathers, collectively asserting its impressive presence with the rumbling appeal of synchronized bellows. These majestic creatures use their distinctive calls to communicate, captivating both spectators and fellow bison alike.

2. A choir of Fathers Bellowing: Filling the air with a chorus of deep voices, a group of devoted fathers proudly offers their vocal support from the sidelines of their children's accomplishments. Their united bellowing emanates enthusiasm and applause, creating an atmosphere of encouragement and celebration.

3. A Pack of Wolves Bellowing: Under the luminescent moonlight, wolves unite through a compelling serenade of unified howls and resonant calls. Their collective chorus serves as a territorial announcement, a bond-strengthening exercise, and a means of locating pack members. The bone-chilling sound simultaneously captivates and instills primal awe.

4. A Squadron of Fighter Jets Bellowing: Cutting through the sky with supreme agility, a squadron of fighter jets wickedly screech, captivating the imaginations of all who glimpse their impressive formation. The collective impact of their synchronized bellowing engines produces an adrenaline-fueled spectacle, drawing attention and symbolizing disciplined strength.

5. A congregation of Bulls Bellowing: In the dusty plains, a congregation of bulls engage in resounding roars, contesting for dominance and territorial rights. Their boisterous displays of strength combine in an impressive cacophony, announcing their presence and intimidating potential rivals.

These collective nouns shift the intense magnitude of bellowing from an individual experience to a shared expression. The resultant sonic power fills our imaginations and connects us to the unity among these diverse creatures, revealing the exquisite harmony found both in nature and human interactions.


Bellowing Of Deer

The bellowing of deer is a captivating and powerful collective noun phrase used to perfectly encapsulate the mesmerizing sound and sight of a large group of deer vocalizing together. When these majestic creatures communicate, whether during mating season ...

Example sentence

"In the deep forest, the bellowing of deer echoed through the trees, marking the beginning of their mating season."


Bellowing Of Dolphins

The phrase Bellowing of Dolphins is a captivating collective noun that describes a remarkable auditory display of communication and social interaction among dolphins. Dolphins, known for their highly intelligent and sociable nature, exhibit a wide range o...

Example sentence

"The bellowing of dolphins filled the air as they leaped out of the water in perfect synchronization."


Bellowing Of Donkeys

Bellowing of Donkeys is a fascinating collective noun phrase that vividly depicts the sounds and presence of a group of these majestic and iconic creatures. Characterized by their loud and distinctive vocalizations, donkeys are renowned for their ability ...

Example sentence

"As I strolled through the countryside, I was suddenly overwhelmed by the loud bellowing of donkeys in the distance."


Bellowing Of Elephants

The bellowing of elephants is an awe-inspiring sight and sound. This collective noun phrase refers to a group of elephants trumpeting and producing intense, rumbling calls that can travel for miles. When elephants bellow, the earth seems to shake under th...

Example sentence

"The air was filled with the deafening bellowing of elephants as they announced their presence in the dense forest."


Bellowing Of Elk

The bellowing of elk refers to a captivating and resonant natural symphony created by a group of majestic elks during their breeding season. This harmonious collective noun phrase describes the loud, deep, and commanding calls produced by the male elks, k...

Example sentence

"The bellowing of elk could be heard echoing through the forest as mating season began."


Bellowing Of Gorillas

The collective noun phrase Bellowing of Gorillas refers to a group of gorillas communicating through deep, resonant vocalizations known as bellows. These large primates, native to the jungles and forests of central Africa, exhibit a hierarchical social st...

Example sentence

"In the dense forest, the bellowing of gorillas echoed through the trees, signaling their presence in the area."


Bellowing Of Hippos

The collective noun phrase Bellowing of Hippos is used to describe a remarkable scene in the animal kingdom. When a group of hippos gathers together, their powerful vocalizations create an awe-inspiring spectacle. The boisterous bellowing sound emerges fr...

Example sentence

"On my safari, I was fortunate enough to witness a mesmerizing Bellowing of Hippos at the riverside."


Bellowing Of Horses

Bellowing of Horses is a captivating collective noun phrase that offers a vivid depiction of the powerful and resonant sound produced by a group of horses. It perfectly encapsulates the deep, thunderous calls reverberating through the air, as these magnif...

Example sentence

"The bellowing of horses echoed throughout the countryside, filling the tranquil morning with their powerful voices."


Bellowing Of Hyenas

The collective noun phrase Bellowing of Hyenas refers to a group of hyenas producing loud and distinctive vocalizations. Known for their eerie and haunting calls, hyenas emit a range of sounds that include low, deep growls, high-pitched whoops, and spine-...

Example sentence

"The bellowing of hyenas echoed through the night as they made their way through the savannah, their eerie calls piercing the air."


Bellowing Of Jaguars

The bellowing of jaguars refers to the striking and powerful roar of a group of these majestic big cats. Jaguars are known for their unique vocalizations, consisting of deep, resonant bellows that can be heard from a significant distance. When multiple ja...

Example sentence

"I experienced the eerie atmosphere while standing in the middle of the rainforest at night, listening to the distant bellowing of jaguars."

Some of these collective noun phrases are traditional, while others showcase a touch of creativity. Choose the one that best fits your narrative or discussion.

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