A Cast of Hawks

The collective noun phrase Cast of Hawks refers to a group of hawks, an impressive assembly of these majestic birds of prey. A cast typically suggests a formation or gathering of individuals with a common objective or purpose. In this case, the phrase captures the fascinating sight of a group of hawks, possibly soaring through the sky, perched together on a tree branch, or engaged in hunting activities as a team. Each member of this cast contributes to a striking aerial dance, showcasing their agility, strength, and keen eyesight. The cast of hawks symbolizes unity and collaboration within the avian kingdom, embodying the delicate harmony and synchronization with which they navigate the natural world. Observing a cast of hawks evokes a sense of awe and captures the captivating elegance and power inherent in these magnificent creatures.

Using 'Cast of Hawks' in a Sentence

  1. The cast of hawks soared across the golden sky, their silhouettes cutting through the clouds as they glided effortlessly.
  2. With their keen senses, the cast of hawks scanned the vast landscape below for any signs of prey.
  3. As they circled overhead, the cast of hawks created a breathtaking display of synchronized flight, captivating all who witnessed their graceful movements.

Collective Nouns That Start with C

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Collective Nouns Starting With A, B, C...

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Collective Nouns By Grade Level

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